Download Game Emergency 4 Global Fighters For Life Full Of Love
Controls and graphics are typical of a Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game: the left-mouse button selects unit(s) and the right-mouse button commands movement or action(s) of the selected unit(s). The camera work utilizes typical angles of the RTS genre as well. Missions in Emergency usually start off with a short cinematic cutscene of the cause of the emergency the player is attending. The missions take on a standard system of events in numerical order, each individual mission harder and more demanding than the last. Each mission requires the players to carefully choose their emergency services to deal with the multitude of events.Since Emergency 5, missions (renamed events) take on a different system. All events of a campaign, multiplayer or free play mode can be attended in one game session without loading screens in between, which makes the gameplay flow more seamlessly. Between each major event the player deals with standard dynamic emergencies such as car accidents, medical emergencies, crimes, fires, missing persons, pipeline ruptures or others.[1]